Where to hear the dawn chorus

Where to hear the dawn chorus

It's International Dawn Chorus Day on Sunday 5 May. Celebrate by visiting a nature reserve.

Sunday 5 May is International Dawn Chorus Day, a day to appreciate one of nature’s most special auditory spectacles. Take an early morning walk in spring and you are likely to be captivated by the sound of the dawn chorus.

What is the dawn chorus?

In the breeding season, birds use their singing abilities to defend their territory and attract a mate. The dawn chorus begins in the twilight as the sun begins to emerge. At this notice of a new day ahead, songbirds burst into a symphony of whistles, chirps and trills. In the northern hemisphere, the chorus is performed mainly by male birds in the passerine group. 

The best dawn chorus spots in Essex

The dawn chorus starts around 30 minutes to an hour before sunrise, which may be as early as 5am in late spring. 

Map of places to see the dawn chorus in Essex

1) West Wood nature reserve, 2) Brookes nature reserve, 3) Fingringhoe Wick Nature Discovery Park, 4) Weeleyhall Wood nature reserve, 5) Tiptree Heath nature reserve, 6) Scrubs Wood nature reserve, 7) Pound Wood nature reserve, 8) Belfairs Wood

Listen to a dawn chorus

If you aren't an early riser, you can listen to a recording of a local dawn chorus from the comfort of your home. Listen closely to this recording from West Wood nature reserve, and you'll hear wren, blackbird, song thrush, woodpigeon, treecreeper, pheasant, robin, blackcap, great tit, and chiffchaff! Use headphones for the ultimate experience. 

Dawn chorus recording from West Wood nature reserve.

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