Grey squirrel
The grey squirrel was introduced into the UK in the 1800s. It provides an easy encounter with wildlife for many people, but can be damaging to woodlands and has contributed to the decline of the…
The grey squirrel was introduced into the UK in the 1800s. It provides an easy encounter with wildlife for many people, but can be damaging to woodlands and has contributed to the decline of the…
Red squirrels are native to the UK but are a lot rarer than their grey cousins. They live in a few special places across the UK thanks to reintroduction projects.
Our annual Photography Competition is back - with some exciting new categories to enter and prizes to be won. (Note: This competition is NOW CLOSED)
The new year has begun with lots of nice birds being seen at Abberton, including a Shag out on the water, Smew, Goldeneye, Goosander, Dartford warbler, Little stint, Barn owl, Water rail, Pergrine…