Local group events
Opening and Events at Warley Place
60th Anniversary Events
House mouse
The tiny, grey-brown house mouse is one of our most successful mammals. It thrives around buildings but is less likely to be found in our houses these days due to better construction.
House martin
As its name suggests, the house martin can be spotted nesting in the eaves of houses in our towns and villages. Its intricate mud nests take days to build and are often returned to and used in…
House sparrow
The house sparrow is a familiar, streaky brown bird of towns, parks and gardens. Males sport a grey cap and black bib, the size of which indicates their status.
Event booking terms and conditions
Free event sessions
House Sparrow Project
Photography Competition 2018
Our annual Photography Competition is back - with some exciting new categories to enter and prizes to be won. (Note: This competition is NOW CLOSED)
Giant house spider
The giant house spider is one of our fastest invertebrates, running up to half a metre per second. This large, brown spider spins sheet-like cobwebs and pops up in the dark corners of houses,…