Local group events
Opening and Events at Warley Place
60th Anniversary Events
Wader ID Workshop
New to birdwatching or wanting to freshen up on your wader ID skills- we've got just the workshop for you!
Photography Workshop ‘Close-Up & Macro Nature Photography’ with Daniel Bridge
Daniel Bridge is running another one-day workshop dealing with the fascinating subject of Close-up and Macro Nature Photography.
Photography Workshop ‘Close-Up & Macro Nature Photography’ with Daniel Bridge
Daniel Bridge is running another one-day workshop dealing with the fascinating subject of Close-up and Macro Nature Photography.
Photography Workshop ‘Close-Up & Macro Nature Photography’ with Daniel Bridge
Daniel Bridge is running another one-day workshop dealing with the fascinating subject of Close-up and Macro Nature Photography.
Raptor ID workshop
A classroom session looking at how to identify birds of prey followed by a short walk to scan the reserve for raptors, putting the theory into practice.
Plasticology Workshops
New workshop and assembly for your school
Composition and Light Photography Workshop with Daniel Bridge
Daniel Bridge is running another one-day workshop dealing with the fascinating subject of Close-up and Macro Nature Photography.
'Sea and Shore' Photography Workshop with Daniel Bridge
Join Daniel Bridge for a 6 hour arty photography workshop exploring composition and techniques with the emphasis on the sea and shore.