Bill Moss

Amy Lewis
Woodham Fen Nature Reserve
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Accessible at all timesBest time to visit
April to JulyAbout the reserve
Divided by the railway line, the southern side of the reserve is saltmarsh that transitions into rough grassland. The land was originally donated in the 12th century by the Lords of the Manor to the community to graze animals. Now, Essex Wildlife Trust works in partnership with South Woodham Town Council to manage the nature reserve, which lies within a much larger area of common land.
Look out for the bright coloured chest of bullfinch in the bushes, a majestic barn owl hunting over the grassland or even a flash of blue as kingfishers hunt in Fenn Creek that flows throughout the reserve. A number of different bird species will stop off here during migration to and from the UK, look out for small teal ducks, rock pipits and common snipe during winter.
On a sunny spring or summers day you will find common Llzards and slow worms basking in the warmth, whilst an abundance of invertebrates flutter and jump amongst the grassland. Due to the saltmarsh habitat, a wide range of saltmarsh plants can be found here, look out for the small colourful flowers of slender birdsfoot trefoil and grass vetchling in the summer months.