After the crisis, what happens next?

Common sea lavender (Limonium vulgare) Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

After the crisis, what happens next?

Things have changed rapidly and dramatically.  As we start to consider life after lockdown, we have a unique opportunity to reimagine society, and the Trust has a chance to influence this.

We need your thoughts on what a different world could look like.

Have you noticed any changes around you?

1. Have you noticed any changes around you? 


2. Have you spent more or less time in nature than you usually would?


Where have you been spending time outside?

3. Where have you been spending time outside?

(tick all that apply)

4. How far do you agree with the following statements:

Nature has been important for relieving stress

Nature has been important for my physical wellbeing
Nature has been important for my mental wellbeing

Thinking about life after lockdown

Thinking about life after lockdown

5. Are there any lifestyle changes that you would keep after lockdown? Compared to life before lockdown, how far do you agree with the following? 

I would be more likely to: 

Work from home

Drive less
Walk/cycle locally
Spend time Gardening
Spend time in nature
Buy food from local businesses and farms
Cook different things
Buy less or differently
Help my neighbours
Help wildlife where I live
Other lifestyle changes you would maintain

6. Are there any ways of living that you are particularly looking forward to going back to or new behaviours that you can’t wait to stop and if so, why?

7. Are there any lessons from lockdown that you think employers should consider? How far do you agree with the following statements.

After lockdown, employers should consider:

Flexible working

More use of digital meetings
More home working
Providing access to outside/green space
Other lessons employers should consider

8. Are there any lessons that you think government and public bodies should consider?  How far do you agree with the following statements. 

After lockdown, governments and public bodies should:

Invest in green and digital infrastructure rather than roads

Ensure that there are accessible green spaces in urban environments and new developments
Take pressure off local nature, e.g. leave wilder areas in parks, let flowers grow on verges and reduce use of pesticides
Create more pedestrian and cycling routes and space
Value and protect nature worldwide to help prevent future pandemics
Create new green models of economic growth that reduce pollution and combat climate and nature crisis
Other lessons government and public bodies should consider

9. What are your hopes for the future? We would love for you to tell us in writing, or record or video and send in your hopes for a better, wilder future.

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