About Us
Essex Wildlife Trust's Braintree Local Group runs a range of activities, depending on what our members are interested in doing.
If anyone is interested in volunteering to become Chair or Events Coordinator please contact a member of the Committee.
Committee Members

What's On
Braintree Local Group organises a programme of events including evening talks and visits to local nature reserves. All events are open to non-members.
We are always looking for wildlife items about our area, please share your news with us. If you would like to contribute a short news item or a photograph of an unusual sighting for the Essex Wildlife Trust magazine, please send it to Marion May - email
River Monitor Volunteers
Members of the Braintree Group are working with Essex Wildlife Trust and the Environment Agency to monitor the local rivers.
'If you would like to get involved with River Monitoring please email volunteering@essexwt.org.uk
Photo - Peter Bowden
Brookes Nature Reserve
This 60-acre site comprises more than 40 acres of ancient woodland, the rest being former arable fields, part of which have been planted up with native trees.
There are many wildflowers to be enjoyed and a wide variety of butterflies.