About Us
We plan to resume monthly face to face wildlife orientated talks in September at the Great Baddow Millennium Community Centre, Recreation Ground, Baddow Road CM2 9RL.
We hold an annual plant sale at the Hanningfield Reservoir Visitor Centre on the 1st Bank Holiday Monday in May. The profit from the sale of donated plants supports Essex Wildlife Trust directly.
Our annual Fungus Foray at Sandylay & Moat Woods, usually in late October from 10.00am, is popular, particularly with accompanied children.
See details of the above events. and our programme of guided walks around local reserves, on the What's On page below
Anyone can participate in our events, including non Essex Wildlife Trust members. New faces are always welcome!
Committee Members
Chair: Paul Roberts
Secretary: Sue McClellan
Treasurer: Lesley Stapleton
Member: Sue Pembroke
Photo -Steve R Jellett
What's On
Chelmsford Local Group organise a programme of events such as nature reserve open days, evening talks, visits to local nature reserves and work parties. All events are open to non members