About Us
Essex Wildlife Trusts local groups carry out all manner of fundraising activities and events including nature reserve Open Days, as well as recruiting new members, local publicity, work parties, evening talks and magazine deliveries.
Committee Members
Chair: Kevin Marsden
Secretary: David Bain
Treasurer: Janet Singleton
After a long Covid interruption with just two Zoom presentations and a low-key AGM on 16th March we resumed this spring our usual three longstanding outdoor events on reserves. The plant sale at Barnes Spinney, Walton on 10th April raised £790. It used also to be called a Primrose Day as notable for massed patches there, but muntjac deer have progressively grazed them, particularly the flowers.
Weeleyhall Wood Bluebell Day on 1st May was well supported after the wood had been closed for a long while - with £1189 being taken. Drizzly rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of pond-dipping youngsters at Great Holland Pits on 29th May with receipts of £251. Along with Wrabness reserve, it has received a recent grant-aided makeover, notably of the paths. This along with Covid delayed our celebrating the 50th anniversary of the reserve, purchased in 1971.
While we have no more formal outdoor events we will be appealing to local members to assist the Great Bentley Conservation Group raking up the arisings when the now enlarged Heather Patch on the green there is cut. This will probably be on a Saturday morning in late Sept or early October. The date and time will be posted on our Tendring EWT LG Facebook page. /www.facebook.com/EWTTendringLG/ that can be viewed without joining Facebook. It is proving very popular with lots of posts and pictures. Perhaps the most dramatic have been of two otters at Weeley, a Water Rail at Cockaynes reserve and more evidence of the majestic Purple Emperor’s progress locally.
Finally, the organisation of the local group needs some fresh blood and we would like to invite members to consider whether they could assist us. It is becoming more urgent that there is some change of personnel in the near future. Anno domini requires an orderly transition to begin quite soon. This should not just be mentioned at the AGM with no prior warning. It is appreciated modern life makes serving actively on a committee less straightforward. But anyone who would like to get a flavour of what is involved please contact me or one of our group that may be known to you. Please give this matter serious consideration as while wildlife conservation is ever popular this should be reflected with new folk in our ranks.
David R Bain [Hon Sec] david.r.bain@gmail.com

What's On
Tendring Local Group hold a range of fundraising activities and events including nature reserve open days, work parties and evening talks.