Cuckoos have been heard at the reservoir and around the local area and we have up to 6 singing Nightingales in the mature woodland at the edge of the nature reserve. Nightingales like thick brambly scrub, but with some open areas underneath to feed on the ground. It is wonderful to hear their song at all times of day and night. Butterflies are also being seen on the reserve including Peacock, Small tortoiseshell, Comma and Brimstone. Smooth newts have been seen in the ponds. Many of the trees are now in leaf and the nature reserve is bursting back into life, with the wildflowers getting ready to come into flower over the next few weeks. Cowslips are spread over much of the area now, a beautiful yellow among the green. The grassland management seems to be keeping a nice range of flowering plants thriving.
Abberton Ranger Blog – April 2018
Photo Credit: Andrew Goldsmith
April has been a varied month of some really hot days and also squally rain showers and cool wind. However it has been a great month for the return of many of our migratory bird species