Terry Whittaker/2020VISION
Terry Whittaker/2020VISION
Terry Whittaker/2020VISION
During visits to the family holiday home on the sea wall at Point Clear opposite Brightlingsea, Lucy and her family were free to beachcomb and roam on the marshes with their dog. She particularly loved visiting the marshes and seeing the sea lavender. Although, back in the 1960s and 70s, there was far more than there is now, Lucy recalls.
Lucy rarely goes out without her binoculars and believes this is nostalgia from a happy childhood. She still loves to visit the coast and especially looks forward to hearing the oystercatchers and curlews.
Due to her love of wildlife and family memories when visiting Essex, Lucy decided to leave a gift in her Will to Essex Wildlife Trust to help safeguard the species and habitats that she loves so much.
She would love others to have experiences like hers, and says:
“Over the years, I have benefitted so much from the existence of the Trust, not least as a city dweller who appreciates the many advantages that getting closer to wildlife brings. I want others in the future to have the same opportunities. I know that areas of Essex and its wildlife would be much poorer, but for the hard work, commitment and professionalism of the dedicated staff and volunteers of the Trust. It was a simple process, and I was happy to get it written and out of the way. I was really pleased to learn that gifts are exempt from inheritance tax too!”
After taking care of loved ones, will you consider leaving a gift in your Will to Essex Wildlife Trust this Remember a Charity Week?
Leave a gift in your Will today
Guest writer: Rosalyn Leclercq, Legacy Manager