Conservation Matters: June

Conservation Matters: June

Paul Rowe

Rare butterfly conservation, beach-nesting birds and other wildlife news.

Help us protect beach-nesting birds

Alongside Bird Aware Essex and the RSPB, we are trialling a new approach to this season, with the introduction of cages. These will help to protect nests from predators. You can help us by staying clear of these areas, keeping dogs on leads, and avoiding recreational water sports in designated Share our Shore zones. That way, we can help little chicks grow up safely on our beaches.

Butterfly count reveals record numbers

In celebration of Insect Week, we are pleased to report the highest number of heath fritillary butterflies at Pound Wood nature reserve to date. The Trust, alongside a team of amazing volunteers, has been working on this project for over a decade. Don’t forget, your butterfly sightings will help us conserve more butterflies in Essex, so keep adding them to Butterfly Seekers. 

Heath Fritillary - Photography Competition 2019

Photo: Kerri Webb 

Outstanding orchid displays

This year, we’ve seen amazing displays of orchids on our nature reserves and been sent many sightings by the public. For the first time, we have recorded southern marsh orchid and bee orchid at Abberton Reservoir Nature Discovery Park. Similarly, Thameside Nature Discovery Park has recorded the best count of pyramidal orchids yet, with over 4,000 in just one meadow.

Give wildlife a helping hand

You can help us protect and restore wildlife and wild places in Essex. Your donation helps make projects like these possible. 
