About Us
Our programme of events, which includes guided walks and illustrative talks, is a great way for you to extend your knowledge of wildlife and to meet like-minded people who share an interest in the natural world.
We hold some fund-raising events, which are not only fun but raise much needed funds for wildlife causes.
We work closely with the Trust and its staff to support their various campaigns and to support their work on the ground and at Nature Discovery Centres. Local members are volunteers at several local reserves. We are a friendly group always welcoming new members or guests whatever their level of knowledge of the countryside, environment or wildlife. If you would like to know more, please do get in touch with any of our committee members whose details are shown below.
Coming up next
As well as keeping an eye on the Local Group section of this website, why not follow us on Facebook
Brentwood and Billericay Facebook
We also have an occasional newsletter, to which you can subscribe if you sign up for it.
Committee members
Chairman - Graham Clegg email 07711 632476
Secretary - Heather Holmes email 07887 955317
Treasurer - Frank Garbutt email 07860 048327
Walks and Talks - John McLaughlin email 01245 420188
Events - John Allen email 01277 231305
Membership - Warren Hawkings email 01277 214612
Publicity - Maria Cuthbert email 07852 303383

Do you have some spare time available and would like to use it helping conserve the wildlife of Essex in Brentwood?