Illustrated Talk-Butterflies and Moths

Red admiral butterflies - Photo Laura Cronin

Photo: Laura Cronin

Illustrated Talk-Butterflies and Moths

Shenfield Parish Hall, 60 Hutton Road, Shenfield, Essex, CM15 8LB
The local group Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 7.30pm will be followed by a talk on butterflies and moths, delivered by Dougal Urquhart.

Event details


7:30pm - 9:30pm
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About the event

Dougal will assess the current status of our local butterflies (lepidoptera) and discuss some of the factors having a negative effect on their well-being. He will also suggest ways in which we can all help to make our gardens and open spaces more butterfly-friendly Refreshments are available, and non-members are welcome.



£3 suggested donation.

Contact us

John Mclaughlin
Contact number: 01245 420188