Coming up
Talk by The Essex Field Club
A talk given by Fiona Hutchings about the Essex Field Club and about the “Bird Collections”.
Wildlife walk Salcott to Old Hall Marshes
A circular walk along the England Coast Walk from Salcott and across the marshes to Old Hall.
British birds of prey talk
Alasdair Greenyer will give a talk on British birds of prey (with some live birds), giving an insight into the lives of these…
Illustrated talk by Peter Warne the esteemed naturalist
Join Havering Local Group for a talk by Peter Warne on "Finding Wildlife in Epping Forest".
Talk - Butterflies, Moths and their Caterpillars / AGM
John Attiwell, Essex Wildlife Trust Community Ranger, will introduce us to some common and lesser-known species. Followed by a short AGM…
Talk on the wildlife of Canvey Wick
Jo Loman, Community Ranger at Canvey Wick will give us an insight into the work and wildlife at Canvey Wick , Essex.
AGM followed by a talk
Join Havering Local Group for the annual general meeting followed by a talk, speaker tbc.
Illustrated Talk - Bird Aware Project Essex Coast
Find out how we can all help these protected species to flourish into the future.
Illustrated talk on the badgers of North East Essex
Join us for an illustrated talk from Paul Everett of the North-East Essex Badger Group.
Talk - Creating Community through Biodynamic Agriculture
Spencer Christy will explain why community owned Lauriston Farm is so important for plants, animals and people.
Weald Country Park- a 700 year-old story
A talk by Heather Smith, Park Manager about a stewardship project planned for the 700 year-old Weald Country Park over the next few…
Wildlife Walk on Two Tree Island
Join the Havering Group for a walk in Two Tree Island Nature Reserve. We hope to see many wildfowl, waders and other winter visitors.…