Write or update your Will for free
We have teamed up with expert Will writing service Octopus Legacy to make it easier for you to write or update your Will, for free.
You can do this:
Online in 15 to 20 mins
Over the phone with a solicitor
Face to face with a solicitor
Friendly and compassionate, the Octopus Legacy team is on hand to answer any questions you may have either on the phone, on live chat through their website or by email.
Writing or updating your Will doesn’t need to be difficult or take up a lot of your time.
The entire process can be completed online by clicking through to the Octopus Legacy website.
If you would prefer to talk directly with a solicitor, you can call 0800 773 4014 to speak with them over the phone or to arrange a face-to-face appointment. Just quote Essex Wildlife Trust over the phone.
You don’t have to leave a gift to Essex Wildlife Trust to use this service, but we hope you will consider us.
Any gift – whatever the size – will enable us to continue our work restoring nature across our beautiful county and encouraging one in four people to take action for wildlife.
Thank you for helping us to nurture nature forever.

I would prefer to update or make my Will myself
What details do I need for my Will?
If you would like to write or update your Will yourself, our details are as follows:
Essex Wildlife Trust Limited
CRN: 210065
Abbotts Hall Farm, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough, Colchester, Essex CO5 7RZ
Do you have suggested wording for my Will?
An example of simple fixed cash gift (known as a pecuniary bequest) in your Will can be as follows:
I give to ESSEX WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED (Charity registration number 210065) of Abbotts Hall Farm, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough, Colchester, Essex CO5 7RZ absolutely the sum of £ [amount in words] for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.
An example of a simple share of, or remainder, of the estate after all costs and pecuniary bequests (known as a residual bequest) in your Will can be as follows:
I give to ESSEX WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED (Charity registration number 210065) of Abbotts Hall Farm, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough, Colchester, Essex CO5 7RZ absolutely [ enter the proportion of the residue ie % or x share of X] for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.
Who should be my executor?
Remember to name an Executor for your Will. An Executor is a person appointed in a Will to administer the estate. This may be a friend, a family member (including someone benefitting from your Will) or a professional such as an accountant or solicitor, or a combination.