A Place to Remember

A Place to Remember

Essex Wildlife Trust would be honoured if you wanted to celebrate the life of a loved one who was passionate about wildlife and the natural world by leaving a donation in their memory to help support our work to protect local wildlife.

Ways to donate


Make your in memory donation using the button above. You can remain anonymous or have your special dedication added to our memory wall. 

Send a donation in the post 

In memory donations can be made via cheque and posted to us at:

FAO: Legacy Team
Essex Wildlife Trust
Abbotts Hall
Maldon Road
Great Wigborough 

Please include a completed donation slip with your donation, this ensures that we can safely record loved ones donation/s and thank you for kindness. 

Contact us

If you have a query regarding an In Memory donation, please contact our Legacy Team.

Telephone: 01621 862987 
Email: legacies@essexwt.org.uk