Chigborough Lakes Nature Reserve

Chigborough Lakes Autumn
Little Egret Steve Waterhouse

Steve Waterhouse

Turtle Dove - Amy Lewis

Photo - Amy Lewis

Chigborough Lakes nature reserve

Chigborough Lakes Nature Reserve

Once gravel pits, this land was flooded and transformed into a wildlife haven where you can discover new wildlife round every bend or sit back on one of the benches and take it all in


Chigborough Lakes nature reserve,
Chigborough Road
Nearest postcode is CM94RD

OS Map Reference

TL 877 086
A static map of Chigborough Lakes Nature Reserve

Know before you go

19 hectares

Parking information

There is a small car park available

Grazing animals

Goats grazing in March and from September-December
Sheep grazing from August-November

Walking trails

2 km of circular trails


Accessible at all year, although some footpaths will be muddy during winter 


Under effective control

When to visit

Opening times

Accessible at all times

Best time to visit

All year round

About the reserve

Walk around the lakes on this circular path and you will encounter a variety of habitats, from Willow Carr, lakes, marshy areas, grazed grassland and scrub, each with their own different wildlife. Over 120 species of bird have been recorded here and more than 40 of these have bred, including Little Egret, Great Crested and Little Grebes, Grey Heron and Kingfisher. During the summer months there is a good opportunity to see the impressive Little Egret roost!

There are a number of benches around the trail where you can sit back and enjoy the views of the lakes and listen out in the summer for the soft purring sound of the elusive Turtle Dove or the louder chatter of a Cetti’s Warbler. Summer also sees an interesting array of flowers, look closely and you might find a Bee Orchid or Wild Strawberry.

There is a particularly impressive veteran Oak pollard worth admiring whilst the bird song rings out above it. Chigborough Lakes is a peaceful nature reserve, perfect for getting away from it all.