Fobbing Marsh Nature Reserve

Fobbin Marsh Marc Outten

Fobbing Marsh Nature Reserve

Wander through one of the few remaining Thameside grazing marshes; full of flowering plants and visiting migrant birds


Off Marsh Lane

OS Map Reference

TQ 716 845
A static map of Fobbing Marsh Nature Reserve

Know before you go

76 hectares

Parking information

Parking is along the road in the town of Fobbing

Grazing animals

Sheep grazing in March and from August-November.
Cows grazing from April-November

Walking trails

Public footpath runs through it.



Footpath down from the town of Fobbing


image/svg+xmlDogs permitted

Dogs allowed on the public footpath only and kept on a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Accessible at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

A popular nature reserve for visiting passage migrants, look out for the wheatear and whinchat amongst the grazing meadows during spring and autumn and the 'jangling keys' call of the increasingly scarce corn bunting in summer.

Throughout the year look for the beautiful small yellow bird, the yellowhammer, sitting up in the trees. During summer you will be greeted with colourful displays of vetches and tares whilst many dragonflies and damselflies can be seen foraging along the ditches across the reserve. Many of the flowering plants are typical of Thameside marshes, including hairy buttercup, knotted hedge parsley, sea barley and slender hare’s-ear.

In winter, the marsh is used by wintering raptors, wildfowl and waders, such as wigeon, teal, marsh harrier. and peregrine falcon.