Gunners Park and Shoebury Ranges Nature Reserve

Sunset Gunners Andrew Armstrong

Andrew Armstrong

Wheater Gunners Andrew Armstrong

Andrew Armstrong

Grey Seal Gunners Andrew Armstrong

Andrew Armstrong

Hobby Gunners Andrew Armstrong

Andrew Armstrong

Gunners Park and Shoebury Ranges Nature Reserve

A reserve that heralds a large amount of history and is a fantastic place to witness the wonder of bird migration


Shoebury Common Road (B1016)

OS Map Reference

A static map of Gunners Park and Shoebury Ranges Nature Reserve

Know before you go

25 hectares

Parking information

Free car park for 50 cars open from dawn to dusk

Bicycle parking


Grazing animals

Sheep grazing from August-November

Walking trails

5km of tarmacked and gravel multi-user paths


Accessible at all times


Under effective control

Please clear up after dogs



Picnic area
Outdoor play area

When to visit

Opening times

Accessible at all times

Best time to visit

All year round

About the reserve

Accessible to all, this nature reserve is a great place to escape the hustle and bustle and go for a coastal walk, whilst discovering different wildlife around every corner.

Due to its proximity to the Thames Estuary, this nature reserve provides ideal habitat for migrating birds on passage to and from the UK, including ring ouzel, spotted flycatcher, wheatear, whinchat and even yellow-browed warbler. Hundreds of waders will gather along Gog’s Berth, while a grey seal occasionally makes an appearance along the seawall.

The nature reserve incorporates the Shoebury Old Ranges Site of Special Scientific interest (SSSI) and the Coastguard Station Grounds Local Wildlife Site. This area has more than 12 habitats to walk through, from coastal grassland and a large pond to remnant sand dunes and historic military buildings. This mosaic of habitats has allowed a range of species to thrive here, including the nationally scarce sandwich click beetle, bulbous meadow grass and the cuckoo wasp. The historic buildings are also used by wildlife – in the summer months look out for barn swallows zipping in and out of the gaps to feed their young nesting inside.

Please note: Drones, BBQ's and electric devices like e-scooters are prohibited.

Weelyhall Wood in Bluebells

Photo - Richard Turner 

Did you know?

The site is rich in human history with evidence the site was occupied and utilized since early prehistory during the Mesolithic period. A rampart in the north-east of the reserve is believed to be part of a settlement built by the Danish leader Hasten in 894 AD