Oxley Meadow Nature Reserve

Oxley Meadows Green Winged Orchids
Oxley Meadows full
Oxley Meadows Adder's Tongue Fern

Oxley Meadow Nature Reserve

Experience the wonder of up to 75,000 Green-winged Orchids in this small meadow nature reserve


Park Lane
Tolleshunt Knights

OS Map Reference

A static map of Oxley Meadow Nature Reserve

Know before you go

4 hectares

Parking information

Space for 2 cars - must open entrance gate to access. Please do not park in the lane as it restricts access to local residents.

Grazing animals

Sheep grazing from August-November


Spring access to see orchids only.


No dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Spring only

Best time to visit

April to June to see the Orchids

About the reserve

Wide hedgerows enclose these secret meadows, where from April-June the fields burst into a carpet of purple and yellow, as the Green-winged Orchids and the Meadow Buttercups bloom. Also keep an eye out for the Adders-tongue Fern which is more numerous on this reserve than anywhere else in Essex. The abundance of flowers supports a number of grassland butterflies and the hedgerows provide nesting sites for birds such as the Lesser Whitethroat.

The reserve is managed using traditional methods of taking a late summer hay cut and then grazed with sheep, which has allowed the continued success of these Orchids and other hay meadow species.

Annual Orchid Count

Did you know?

Every year we have our Annual Orchid Count, where volunteers will spend the day counting all of the Orchids in the meadow