John Hawkins / Surrey Hills Photography
Phyllis Currie Nature Reserve
Know before you go
Under effective control
When to visit
Opening times
Accessible at all timesBest time to visit
All year roundAbout the reserve
Left to Essex Wildlife Trust by Phyllis Currie, there are a variety of habitats that support plenty of plants, birds and insects.
The stunning lake and surrounding streams are fantastic for dragonflies and damselflies, with over 13 species being recorded. Keep an eye out for a flash of blue and orange along the streams and ditches as this is a great reserve for spotting kingfishers, while amongst the reedbed look for the elusive water rail.
The grassland and glades bloom with colour in the spring and summer, with numerous Orchid species popping up throughout. Among the wildflowers this grassland also provides the perfect breeding grounds for a number of butterflies, with records of 23 species seen here.
Read an account of the history of Phyllis Currie nature reserve by former warden, Sylvia Jiggins:
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Photo - John Hawkins
Did you know?
Phyllis Currie has a beautiful wildflower glade which was once the graves for the dogs belonging to Phyllis Currie the original owner of the reserve