David Tipling / 2020 Vision

Danny Green/2020VISION
Stanford Warren Nature Reserve
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Accessible at all timesBest time to visit
All year roundAbout the reserve
This fascinating reedbed habitat was created by gravel extraction in the 1920s, but now it supports an exciting number of species. During spring and summer the reedbeds come alive with the sound of birds, including cettis, reed and sedge warblers which all breed here. This is particularly important because the endangered cuckoo regularly uses these warblers as hosts for their eggs. Listen out for their famous call during the summer months. On a warm day you might also catch a glance of reptiles basking in the sun near the rough grassland.
Look closely and you might find some more elusive birds, such as the water rail which regularly breeds here but creeps silently through the reedbeds. Winter also brings many interesting birds such as bearded tits, grey wagtail and snipe, which are best seen along the Hassenbrooke, a small river that bisects the reserve and crosses under the footpath.
Just a stones throw away from our Thameside Nature Discovery Park – why not pop into the visitor centre after your visit?