Stow Maries Halt Nature Reserve

Stow Maries Halt glade
Maidenhair Spleenwort Tom Marshall

Tom Marshall

Stow Maries Halt Railway Bridge

Stow Maries Halt Nature Reserve

Once a railway stop on the Maldon-South Woodham Ferrers line, the disused remains have been claimed back by nature


Church Lane
Stow Maries

OS Map Reference

TQ 835 991
A static map of Stow Maries Halt Nature Reserve

Know before you go

2 hectares

Parking information

Space for 2 cars

Grazing animals

Sheep during late summer/autumn

Walking trails

Walk along the disused railway line and back through the meadow. Please keep dogs on a lead if sheep are grazing


Accessible at all times


Under effective control

When to visit

Opening times

Accessible at all times

Best time to visit

April to August

About the reserve

At the entrance of the reserve the remains of the old railway platform are still visible, but now they are home to four uncommon species of fern; wall-rue, maidenhair spleenwort, black spleenwort and hartstongue.

The summer months see colourful common spotted orchids dotted around the reserve and rare adder's-tongue ferns nestled beside them. Look out for the array of insects here, including beautiful purple and white-letter hairstreaks. After the sun sets on a summers day, glow-worms will perform a spectacular light display show, as they’re scattered around the reserve.