Weeleyhall Wood Nature Reserve

Weelyhall Wood in Bluebells

Photo - Richard Turner 

Weeleyhall Wood Nature Reserve

Visit this beautiful woodland in spring to be fully immersed in a sea of colour, as the wildflowers that carpet this ancient woodland show off their bright flowers


Church Lane
CO16 9AT

OS Map Reference

A static map of Weeleyhall Wood Nature Reserve

Know before you go

32 hectares

Walking trails

Several circular paths run around and through the woodland, with interpretation boards at the start of the track and at the entrance to wood


Weeleyhall Wood will re-open to the public on 1 April 2023. 


Under effective control

Dogs will NOT be permitted in the wood from 1 March to 1 July each year to protect the vulnerable ground-nesting birds on-site. Dogs will be permitted ON LEADS from 1 July to 1 March.

When to visit

Opening times

Year round

Best time to visit

Spring for flowers

About the reserve

In spring this wood comes alive with colour, with Bluebells carpeting the woodland floor before shifting to bright yellow as Yellow Archangel takes hold. In the early spring evenings, the musky scent of Moschatel flowers fills the air as the dew forms. In the Alder glades and Hazel coppice, Climbing Corydalis tendrils can be seen reaching for the trees and ferns, with their delicate creamy-white flowers on full show in the early summer.

Throughout the woodland different patches of trees can be found, ranging from Oak, Sweet Chestnut coppice, to Scots and Corsican pine plantation, where White Admiral butterflies can be seen flitting through the trees in late Summer. Damaged in the great storm of 1987, the woodland has bounced back and is now flourishing. 

From April to mid-May, listen carefully for the beautiful serenading song of Nightingale, among the calls of other woodland birds. 


Did you know?

The Tendring local group of Essex Wildlife Trust have an annual open day at this nature reserve in May, where you can enjoy a guided walk and experience the wonderful woodland flowers