Hedge planting volunteers and the ranger managed just short of 2,000 by Christmas, so 3,500 left to do this winter. The wet weather should make planting easier. The reservoir site is managed by various methods. We help by doing work around the site such as the hedge planting and coppicing. Local graziers also manage the fields surrounding the reservoir with a mixture of sheep and cattle. The 'easy-care' sheep in the photo are working really well at the western end of the reservoir which is a more wild, brambly part of the site. Their wool that pulls away if caught up, means they don't get entangled and are the ideal conservation grazing animal for this part of the site.
Abberton Ranger Blog – January 2018
The new year has begun with lots of nice birds being seen at Abberton, including a Shag out on the water, Smew, Goldeneye, Goosander, Dartford warbler, Little stint, Barn owl, Water rail, Pergrine, Marsh harrier and Great white egret to name a few.

Mark Huddleston