Tile Wood Nature Reserve

Tile Wood family with Bluebells
Tile Wood nature reserve Bluebells

Tile Wood Nature Reserve

One of the earliest ancient woods recorded in south-east Essex, this woodland is an important wildlife corridor in the Daws Heath woodland landscape


St Michael's Road

OS Map Reference

TQ 816 890
A static map of Tile Wood Nature Reserve

Know before you go

7 hectares

Parking information

No car park

Walking trails

Unmade woodland track


Accessible at all times


Under effective control

When to visit

Opening times

Accessible at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

This small but mighty ancient woodland acts as a wildlife corridor between our Little Haven and Pound Wood nature reserves, part of the Daws Heath wooded landscape. There are a number of wild service trees here that are now a rare tree in the UK. The woodland is particularly beautiful in spring when the ancient woodland plants such as wood sorrel, bluebell and wood-rush carpet the floor and the sound of birdsong rings out.  

Look out for wood ants – these fascinating ants build large thatched mounds and are present in their thousands!