Maldon Wick Nature Reserve

Maldon Wick
Maldon Wick - Blue Butterfly
Blackcap Fingringhoe
Maldon Wick - Blue flowers
Green Hairstreak Derek Moore

Derek Moore

Maldon Wick Nature Reserve

Take a stroll and admire the butteflies along the former Maldon-Woodham Ferrers railway line


Limebrook Way
A static map of Maldon Wick Nature Reserve

Know before you go

8 hectares

Parking information

No available parking, advised to park at Morrisons (opposite)

Walking trails

2.5km straight walk along the disused railway line


Accessible at all times


Under effective control

Under effective control

When to visit

Opening times

Accessible at all times

Best time to visit

April to August

About the reserve

A visit during spring and summer will greet you will wonderful views of fluttering butterflies as this reserve is well recognised for its number of butterflies! Over 28 species have been recorded within the nature reserve, including regular sightings of uncommon butterflies such as Purple, Green and White-letter Hairstreak. On warm summer nights the old railway becomes lit up as there are good numbers of Glow worms and during spring listen out for the soft 'flutey' song of the Blackcap.

There is a colourful array of flowering plants that brighten up the woodlands, walk amongst the Primrose, Sweet Violet and Field Scabious flowers and out towards the large pond, where large numbers of Dragonflies and Damselflies will zoom past.