Blue House Farm Nature Reserve

Blue House Farm sunset Peter Hewitt

Peter Hewitt

Lapwing and Plover Blue House Farm Peter Hewitt

Peter Hewitt

Blue House Farm
Avocet with chicks Blue House Farm Peter Hewitt

Peter Hewitt

Barn Owl Blue House Farm Peter Hewitt

Peter Hewitt

Blue House Farm Nature Reserve

Immerse yourself in the best wilderness Essex can offer and witness the true wonder of migration at Blue House Farm


Blue House Farm Chase
North Fambridge

OS Map Reference

A static map of Blue House Farm Nature Reserve

Know before you go

287 hectares

Parking information

Spaces for 8 cars

Grazing animals

Sheep grazing from March-October
Cows grazing from May-October

Walking trails

There is a permissive path that passes around the farm, giving access to the three bird hides - this links up with the seawall footpath which can then be taken back to the farm entrance and car park creating a 4 km circular route around the farm


Paths are uneven mown grass paths with a few steep inclines except for stepped access onto the seawall


On a lead

Dogs permitted on the public footpath along the seawall, not on the reserve. Please keep dogs on leads



Bird hides

When to visit

Opening times

Accessible at all times

Best time to visit

All year round

About the reserve

Blue House Farm is a fantastic place to watch the change of the seasons and see which wildlife it brings with it.

In the winter, listen to the large shuffling flocks of up to 2,000 dark-bellied brent geese that have travelled all the way from Siberia to graze on these marshes. They are joined by huge numbers of other wildfowl and wading birds, including golden plover, dunlin, wigeon and teal.

Come spring and listen out for the ‘plop’ of a water vole as they tumble in and out of the ditches and also the scratchy sound of reed warblers, whilst lapwing perform their tumbling flight displays overhead. You’ll also be greeted with the sight of spring passage migrants such as ruff and green sandpiper and look out for breeding birds such as skylarks, reed buntings and yellow wagtails.

A summer wander will treat you with up close views of dragonflies including the emperor dragonfly patrolling the ditches and butterflies flitting through the grass and along the hedgerows.

Then as autumn arrives, many birds on migration will again pass through this reserve, including birds such as Northern Wheatear. In the late afternoon keep an eye out for short-eared owls gracefully hunting along the ditches.