Crowsheath Wood Nature Reserve

Crowsheath Wood
Crowsheath Wood (Bluebells)

Crowsheath Wood Nature Reserve

Take a walk through this fantastic woodland that shows off one of Essex's best spring flower displays


Crowsheath Lane
CM11 1QL

OS Map Reference

A static map of Crowsheath Wood Nature Reserve

Know before you go

8 hectares

Parking information

There is parking at Hanningfield Reservoir which is an easy walking distance, otherwise there is limited parking at the entrance of the track leading up to the reserve

Bicycle parking

There is parking at Hanningfield Reservoir

Grazing animals

Sheep grazing from May-October

Walking trails

A couple of circular paths through the wood


Un-surfaced paths except for the entrance track, which can be slippery and muddy when wet 


Dogs permitted

Under effective control

When to visit

Opening times

Accessible at all times

Best time to visit

Spring and autumn

About the reserve

Step through this mix of open land and ancient coppice woodland, with its old Oaks, Hornbeam, Field Maple and Wild Service trees. The recently coppiced western side of the wood has opened up the woodland floor to a whole swathe of different plants and wildlife.

In spring, the woodland floor is awash with a sea of blue and white when the Bluebells and Wood Anemones bloom, while Primroses, Pignut and Ragged Robins show off their bright colours a little later. Butter yellow Lesser Spearwort grows in the ponds in the centre of the woods, while Sedge Warblers, Woodpeckers, Nuthatch can be seen flying through the trees - make sure you listen out for the song of an occasional Nightingale too!