Over the years, there have been multiple mysterious sightings of strange animals within the Blackwater Estuary. Though some were later discredited, found to be quite ordinary species, others have led to vast speculation. So, what does lurk in the depths surrounding Essex? Maybe it doesn’t lurk at all; perhaps it creeps or even swooshes its way through the water? Might it feast on creatures taking refuge in our underwater seagrass meadows or break the surface and swipe its prey from the land when no one is looking? Is it friend or foe? It seems that the answers to our many questions might just be on the horizon… literally.
A creature coined on Twitter yesterday evening as the ‘Blackwater Beast’ has had two confirmed sightings and one other potential sighting along the estuary in the last 24 hours.
Steve Monahan was the first to spot the beast between the Osea beach huts and Horsey Island yesterday afternoon at about 12:30 pm:
‘I assumed it was just another seal until I noticed that the fins were not seal-like and resembled a fish more than any mammal. It was much bigger than a seal would be. I know the picture is far away, but you can see that it isn’t the right shape for a seal or even a whale really. I have been looking for it on my walks, but I haven’t spotted it since.’