Harvest Mouse

Photo: Vaughn Matthews

Annual General Meeting 2024

Saturday 28 October

More details to follow soon

Bringing back nature

We will hear from some key speakers and give you the opportunity to have your say on the state of nature in Essex, followed by the formal proceedings of the AGM.

This years’ AGM was held on Zoom, which allows all members to easily join from the comfort of their own home. However, we are looking forward to returning to our Annual Members’ Day celebrations in-person in 2024, to welcome you back to one of our incredible nature reserves.


AGM short talks

Hear from Professor Jules Pretty, President of Essex Wildlife Trust, and Doctor Jeremy Dagley, Director of Conservation. 

Our Treasurer, Bob Holmes, explains this year’s Financial Report

Watch the full AGM here

AGM Questions and Answers

Thank you for supporting us

If you have any queries about the AGM, please don’t hesitate to contact by email or call the Trust's main office on 01621 862960.