How We Are Funded

Harvest Mouse

Photo Amy Lewis

How we are funded

Essex Wildlife Trust relies on the generosity and enthusiasm of our members and supporters to fund the vast majority of our work. Thanks to you we can continue to protect wildlife and inspire the next generation to care for wildlife too. 

Income from membership subscriptions, donations, Gift Aid, Corporate Partners, Trusts, Foundations and other funding bodies, our raffle and lottery, our Local Groups, our Tree of Life, events, community fundraising, gifts in Wills and our Nature Discovery Centres enables us to care for Essex, its wildlife and its future.

Report and Consolidated Financial Statements 2022

Impact Report 2022

Harvest Mouse

Photo: Vaughn Matthews

Funding partnerships

Essex Wildlife Trust works in partnership with a multitude of individuals, groups and partner organisations. 

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Fundraising Promise

We follow the Institute of Fundraising’s Code of Practice and comply with the key principles embodied in the Code and this Promise.

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