Our sites provide a range of habitats including saltmarsh, coastal areas including coastal realignment, ponds, woodland and meadows. These provide the opportunities for developing skills relating to scientific attitudes, experimental skills and investigations, ecosystems and geographical skills and fieldwork. We provide all equipment and expertise and can help you select the perfect site to fit your requirements depending on whether you are investigating coastal processes, studying ecological succession or investigating other aspects of the natural world or human impacts.
We provide all risk assessments, equipment and expertise and we have the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality badge. All our activities can be adapted to meet all learning needs and our sites are accessible.
Select from the activities below and contact us to create a programme that meets your needs.

Coastal studies
Collect primary data and investigate coastal landforms, coastal realignment, processes and human impacts on these processes.

River Studies
Use equipment to uncover the secret world of river wildlife and measure flow and understand the river from source to sea.

Habitat surveys
Use equipment and techniques to collect scientific data and practise sampling in ponds, saltmarsh, meadows and woodland.

Ecosystem investigations
Identify trophic levels, create food webs and carry out energy dispersal calculations to learn how energy flows through an ecosystem.

Biological sampling
Practise biological skills and techniques by selecting from a range of activities for example mammal trapping or transects.