“Essex Ecology is currently engaged in a project, providing Landscape Management services for the A130 Bypass running from Chelmsford to Rayleigh in south Essex. We are working with CountyRoute, and other stakeholders, to meet the demands of the project.
Adrian Knowles, Senior Ecologist, undertakes monthly site inspections to monitor and advise on the various landscaping components along the road scheme. These include planted woodland belts, hedgerows, wild flower meadows, balancing ponds and the extensive grass verges. Several Badger tunnels and associated fencing were incorporated into the road design, based on Essex Ecology survey work prior to the road scheme being commissioned, and these are well-used by local Badgers, helping to minimise road causalities.
The road corridor is becoming an important site for wildlife, with recent records of Barn Owl, Slow-worm, Adders, Marbled White Butterfly, Bee Orchids and the nationally rare plant Hairy Vetchling."
Beardwell Construction
Essex Ecology recently provided ecological services and support for a project involving the provision of a new residential care home in Braintree for Essex County Council. Working closely with Beardwell Construction, we ensured that bat roosts were protected and replacement roosts were provided during conversion of a building and demolition and replacement of another.

Brown Long Eared Bat
Photo: Tom Marshall