Local group events
Opening and Events at Warley Place
60th Anniversary Events
How to have a plastic- free Halloween
Halloween is often a great time for spooky family fun, but unfortunately it is often full of plastic.
Wood avens
Look for wood avens along hedgerows and in woodlands. Its yellow flowers appear in spring and provide nectar for insects; later, they turn to red, hooked seedheads that can easily stick to a…
Wood warbler
Look for the wood warbler singing from the canopy of oak woodlands in the north and west of the UK. Green above, it has a distinctive, bright yellow throat and eyestripe.
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Free event sessions
Wood blewit
The lilac-blue wood blewit grows in woodland and parkland. It is edible and gathering wild food can be fun, but it's best to do it with an expert - pop along to a Wildlife Trust event to try…
Photography Competition 2018
Our annual Photography Competition is back - with some exciting new categories to enter and prizes to be won. (Note: This competition is NOW CLOSED)
Speckled wood
The speckled wood prefers the dappled sunlight of woodland rides and edges, hedgerows and even gardens. Despite declines, its range has spread over recent years.