Spring membership offer

Red-tailed bumblebee

Red-tailed bumblebee ©Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Spring Membership Offer

As well as supporting our important work, you’ll receive these membership benefits when you become you a member:

A free welcome pack of information about your local wildlife and how you can get involved.

New membership pack
  • ​​​​​​Wild magazine four times a year & the accompanying What's On guide, which lists all our events for you to get involved with.
  • Email updates about wildlife around the county & news from behind the scenes at Essex Wildlife Trust.
  • Membership card
  • Access to Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves around the UK.
  • 100's of events and activities to take part in every year.
  • Essex Wildlife Trust car sticker.
  • Opportunity to get involved in a local group.
  • Let us know your email address & you receive our monthly e-newsletter and exclusive member-only news about wildlife in Essex.

Family membership also includes ‘Wildlife Watch’ membership for up to 4 children at the same address; Wildlife Watch magazine four times a year, posters, stickers, a badge and a wildlife handbook. It’s great for getting kids interested in nature.

Choose your membership option to proceed

Please allow 10 working days for receipt of the pack.

Individual membership

Individual membership

Membership for one person
Joint Membership

Joint membership

Joint membership for two people
Family in bluebell wood - Photo: Tom Marshall / Wildnet

Family membership

Family membership with extras for kids
Watch membership

Watch membership

Membership for one child
Watch child with bluebells

Photo: Tom Marshall

Watch membership

Wildlife Watch is the junior membership branch of The Wildlife Trusts and the UK’s leading environmental action club for kids.

Wildlife Watch members receive loads of exciting wildlife goodies! You’ll receive a starter pack and four issues of Wildlife Watch magazine a year. This is packed full of amazing pictures, puzzles, competitions and you get a fantastic free wildlife poster with each issue.

Join now