Stow Maries Halt Nature Reserve
Once a railway stop on the Maldon-South Woodham Ferrers line, the disused remains have been claimed back by nature
54 results
Once a railway stop on the Maldon-South Woodham Ferrers line, the disused remains have been claimed back by nature
This ancient woodland is noted for its small-leaved lime coppice, an indication that the northern part of the wood has existed since prehistoric times.
Step into this wonderful pocket of ancient woodland and meadows, filled with wildflowers in spring and butterflies in summer.
Lying near the banks of the River Stour, this reserve is special for its mix of open water, fen and wet scrub.
Danbury Ridge Nature Reserves are a wonderful mosaic of woodland, common, heathland, streams and bogs
With amazing views and ancient woodland, this little pocket of nature is worth visiting
Listen out for the drumming of woodpeckers, the singing trills of the nightingale and warblers and even the sounds of wood ant colonies scuttling along.
This small wooded valley with its spring-fed stream used to be a source of water for Felixstowe. Together with its small area of marsh, fen and adjacent heathland this reserve is good for…
Found on the rolling hills adjoining Danbury Common, Hitchcock's Meadow is wonderful mix of flower-rich ancient pasture, secondary woodland, scrubland and marsh
Witness the unusual habitat in Essex where there is a natural transition from saltmarsh to grassland, bringing with it an interesting array of plant and wildlife species
193 results