Remember A Charity Week is an opportunity for charities to come together and encourage more people to consider leaving gifts in Wills, after taking care of family and loved ones.
Remember a Charity Week
Kingfishers Photo: Jon Hawkins Surrey Hills Photography
This year’s Remember A Charity Week runs from 9 to 15 September 2019.

Nurture nature forever with a gift in your Will
As a valued supporter, we couldn’t do what we do without you – but have you thought about passing on something wonderful?
Leaving a gift in your Will is actually easier than you might think: it’s not complicated or something only the rich and famous do. After taking care of your family and friends, even a small amount can make a huge impact to help our work.

Will you help us to get 60 pledges for our 60th birthday?
A gift in your will to Essex Wildlife Trust can make a difference to nature forever for future generations to benefit.