WildNet - Amy Lewis

Extraordinary General Meeting

Wednesday 19 February 2025 online at 7pm

The Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) will be held to appoint a new auditor.

The EGM will be hosted by our President, Professor Jules Pretty, and will also be an opportunity to meet the new Chair of Trustees, James Wren.

As a member, you should have received a letter in the post by 5 February unless you have shared your email address, in which case you would have received this communication digitally to save administration costs.

Voting by proxy

If you are unable to join the EGM, you can vote by proxy. This can be done online via the link below, download a copy or you can request a paper proxy form by emailing or by calling 01621 862960.

Submit your proxy vote online

Download a proxy form

All votes must be received by 5pm on Monday 17 February.


If you have any questions, you can also contact the Membership Team or by calling 01621 862960

Thank you for supporting us

Essex Wildlife Trust has ambitious aims to protect 30% of land and sea in Essex by 2030, and inspire 1 in 4 people to take action for nature. 

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