Nature Neighbours - Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs - Photo John Hawkins

Hedgehogs - Photo John Hawkins


You can help wildlife this autumn by giving nature a home in your garden.

Small, spikey and smelly, hedgehogs are one of Britain’s most loved mammals. However, since the millennium, we’ve lost over half of our countryside’s hedgehogs and a third from our towns and cities.

We can all help hedgehogs get back on their feet by doing lots of little actions to keep their bellies full and their hoglets cosy and dry.

Hedgehogs - Photo: Tom Marshall

Hedgehogs - Photo: Tom Marshall

Give hedgehogs a home

Invite your neighbourhood hogs to take refuge in a homemade hedgehog hideaway. 

Three ways to build a hedgehog house
A hedgehog snuffling around in the leaf litter

Hedgehog © Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Create a hedgehog highway

Help to unlock the landscape so hedgehogs can roam freely across Essex by making a hedgehog hole in your fence or digging a channel beneath your garden boundary.

Add your hedgehog hole to our hedgehog highway map below.

Learn more about our spikey friends

Brush up on your hedgehog knowledge and discover how you can take even more actions for hedgehogs in your garden.

Download our free hedgehog guide

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Add your hedgehog hole to the map

Where have you created your hedgehog hole?
Please search for the location in the location text field. A pin will automatically be dropped at the specified location in the search map below. You can move around and zoom in and out of the search map to find a more specific location. Clicking on the map once will update the pin’s location.
Take the neighbour pledge
Ask your neighbours to join your hedgehog highway by making a hedgehog hole in their garden. Let the hedgehogs roam freely this autumn!
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