Using drones

Drone sunset
Position Statement

Using drones

Essex Wildlife Trust does not permit drones to be used on or over our nature reserves.  

This is a blanket policy to protect wildlife from disturbance and for the safety and enjoyment of our visitors, and covers all unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) or other remote-control flying devices on these wildlife sites.

 Our reserves are important areas for many species that are rare or declining in the rest of the county and they act as critical refuges for breeding and feeding. These sites are sensitive to disturbance; for instance, birds may feel threatened by drones and abandon their nests.

Our reserves are also used by overwintering and migratory species, meaning sites can be sensitive to disturbance throughout the whole year. Overwintering birds, for example, are very susceptible to disturbance as they need to conserve energy during this time.

The use of drones is overseen by the Civil Aviation Authority and is an area where regulation is currently developing. Drones require permission and licensing to operate, and operators must have sufficient training and insurance to use them safely and responsibly.

Recreational drone users that don’t require a licence should still abide by the Drone and Model Aircraft Code, which states that drones should not be flown in areas where they may disturb or endanger animals or wildlife, including our reserves.

For our conservation planning, scientific monitoring and engagement work, the Trust does occasionally obtain drone footage of our reserves. Such work is either carried out by our staff or only done with our permission by a contracted operator who is appropriately licensed and insured. All such work is also carefully planned and drone flights are timetabled so that wildlife and people will not be injured or disturbed. On any of our reserves that are also statutorily protected, such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), all scientific drone monitoring work is undertaken with written consent from Natural England for all flights.

If you would like to report inappropriate drone use on our nature reserves, you can get in touch with the Trust by emailing us.

Contact us about drone use