We offer inset days and twilight courses specifically at your site, to train staff to use the outdoors to deliver the curriculum creatively, identify wildlife on your site to teach identification skills and demonstrate simple activities to make the best use of it, or improve it for the benefits of learning and wildlife.
Please contact us directly to discuss your requirements so we can create a bespoke course to suite your needs.
Contact learnoutdoors@essexwt.org.uk for more information.

Areas that can be covered in a course:
Gain confidence in using grounds for learning. Staff team building and problem solving experience. Enrich learning, motivation and experience. Inspire staff to take curriculum learning outdoors. Give quality assured continuing professional development.

Summary of course content:
Seasonal activity ideas to take the curriculum outdoors. Basic identification skills. Basic kit list for outdoor learning including low cost ideas. Mapping outdoor learning to the curriculum. Benefits of outdoor learning on learning and professional practice. Benefits and risks of using the outdoors as a learning environment and small optional portfolio.
We offer whole day or half day Inset days. Both have an optional follow-up twilight course.