Report a sighting


Photo Jamie Hall

Report a sighting

Tell us what you've seen

Have you had an amazing wildlife encounter? Let us know! Whether it's on one of our nature reserves or in your own back garden, your sightings help us build valuable county records that we can use to monitor species increase or declines and help us advise on planning applications.

There is never any harm in reporting what you have seen. Even a sighting that you think is commonplace can help us to better understand our natural world and enable us to protect species in the areas where they most need our help. 

It's easy, just fill out the form below

Where was your sighting?
Please search for the location in the location text field. A pin will automatically be dropped at the specified location in the search map below. You can move around and zoom in and out of the search map to find a more specific location. Clicking on the map once will update the pin’s location.
Tell us what you've seen
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Please note, we reserve the right to use any images you submit on our website. If you are unhappy for us to do so, please do not submit an image with your sighting. 
Maximum 5 files.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, svg.
We may, on rare occassions need to contact you to verify your sighting or find out more information about what you have seen. We will contact you via the email address you have provided. Please confirm that you are happy for us to do so: 
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

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