The plants in the wildflower areas are putting on much growth, ready to burst into a riot of colour. We held a Dawn Chorus event on 5th May starting at 4am! It was a wonderful morning hearing Nightingales in the dark barely a few feet away, soon to be joined by a Tawny owl and a Cuckoo in the distance, followed by Blackcap and Whitethroat. As we moved away from the mature woodland and out onto the open areas of the reserve Skylarks began to raise their voices as they were skyward bound in the early red and yellow tinged sky of dawn. The morning was topped off by seeing a Whimbrel right in front of the visitor centre and having a hearty breakfast looking out over the reservoir. May most definitely is the time to come and visit our beautiful, wildlife filled Nature Reserve.
Abberton Ranger Blog – May 2018
Early May has had much warmer weather, with some beautifully sunny days bringing out the leaves on the trees in the woodland and hedges

Photo - Chris Gomersall