Befuddling brown birds

Befuddling brown birds

Wren - Andy Morffew

Our guide to identifying the small brown birds in your garden.

Have you ever wondered what species the little brown bird on your feeder is? Or perhaps you're eager to identify who is singing proudly outside your window? Our gardens are home to a variety of brown-feathered visitors, which aren't the easiest to distinguish. We've put together this guide so you can identify the species that you're most likely to see in your garden or local area.

House sparrow

Key features: House sparrows are chunky with a thick, stubby beak. Males have grey caps, black bibs, and chestnut sides, whereas females are plain brown with a pale stripe behind the eye. Females may be mistaken for female chaffinches (see below), but chaffinches have a white bar on their wing. Juveniles look similar to females.

Where to spot: In hedges, shrubs, and near feeders.

Tree sparrow

Tree sparrow perched on a branch

Tree sparrow - Amy Lewis

Key features: Smaller and slimmer than house sparrows, with a chestnut cap and a distinct black spot on their white cheeks (this is not present in house sparrows). Males and females of this species look the same.

Where to spot: Rural gardens or farmland edges. Unlikely to be in urban gardens.


A wren sits on a branch

Wren - Janet Packham

Key features: Tiny and round with a short tail often held upright, the wren is Britain's most widespread bird. Rich, brown plumage with fine barring and a pale stripe above the eye. Males and females of this species look the same.

Where to spot: Dense bushes and undergrowth.


Key features: Slim, robin-sized bird with a grey head and chest, brown-streaked back, and a fine, pointed beak. Males and females look the same but dunnock juveniles are less grey.

Where to spot: Often skulking low in bushes or under feeders.


Key features: Males have a pinkish chest, blue-grey cap, and chestnut back. Females are brownish with a pale wing bar. Both sexes have white flashes on their wings and tails. Juveniles look similar to females.

Where to spot: On the ground or at bird tables.


Ready to put your new knowledge to the test? Take part in a brand-new citizen science project to help us understand more about house sparrows in Essex. You don’t even have to leave your house!

House Sparrow Project