Brentwood & Billericay News
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Keep up to date with the latest stories, research, projects and challenges as we work to tackle the climate and nature crisis.
Scots pine
The Scots pine is the native pine of Scotland and once stood in huge forests. It suffered large declines, however, as it was felled for timber and fuel. Today, it is making a comeback - good news…
Get the drop on COP
COP26 is nearly upon us, having been delayed from 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. You may have heard it referenced in the news or even in passing on the street, but the name gives little away.…
Conservation Matters: July
The latest news from our conservation teams.
Conservation Matters: June
Rare butterfly conservation, beach-nesting birds and other wildlife news.
Conservation Matters: January
Success for fish migration, preparing for Belfair's butterflies and the latest conservation news.
Protecting insect species in Essex
It was worrying to hear further news of insect decline earlier this year; it is reported that more than 40% of insect species are declining and a third are endangered.
Conservation Matters: September
This month we are celebrating World Rivers Day alongside other conservation news from around the Trust.
New report points to 30% decline in water vole distribution
National treasure ‘Ratty’ needs urgent help to survive. Essex Wildlife Trust’s water vole recovery projects are, however, helping to bring encouraging news locally.