Blog: Lily Chambers


Fly Agaric

Species in the spotlight - Fly Agaric

One of the most iconic fungi species; the Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) is the classic toadstool of fairy tales and a truly magical sight amongst the autumnal leaf litter.


Species in the spotlight - Goldfinches

Essex isn’t known for its technicolour birds, so it’s always a pleasure to spot an eye-catching Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis).

Heron in tree

Species in the spotlight - The Grey Heron

The Grey Heron is a familiar bird found throughout the UK. Their impressive size, long legs, bright yellow bill, grey and white feathers and black eye-stripe make them an easily distinguishable…

Great Crested Newt

Species in the spotlight - The Great Crested Newt

Spring is now well underway; birds are singing impressive melodies, more insects are on the wing with beautiful butterflies fluttering and bees busy foraging, whilst baby animals are arriving as…


Species in the spotlight - The Adder

Adders (Vipera berus) are the UK’s only venomous snake. Usually appearing from hibernation during March, Adders were spotted in Essex as early as February this year, due to the unseasonably warm…


Species in the spotlight - Redwing

The Redwing (Turdus iliacus) is the UK’s smallest true thrush that you’ll be able to spot feeding in fields, hedgerows and orchards this winter.

Brent Geese

Species in the spotlight - Dark-bellied Brent Geese

After a long hot summer and a spectacularly colourful autumn, the temperatures and the leaves have finally dropped. Along with the cooler weather, wintering birds have arrived on our shores, one…