Make a hedgehog footprint tunnel
Find out if you have hedgehog visitors by making a hedgehog footprint tunnel.
Find out if you have hedgehog visitors by making a hedgehog footprint tunnel.
With over 350 miles of sandy, craggy and marshy shore, Essex has one of the longest coastlines in England. Last spring, Ambassador Andrew Millham set out to travel the entirety of it by boat.
Campaigns Volunteer, Sue, redefines 'weeds' and explains how we can spot wildflower beauty everywhere we go.
Essex Wildlife Trust Ambassador, Alfie Bowen, takes us on his wild journey from childhood squirrel spotting to becoming an activist for both people and wildlife.
Tune into nature this season by taking part in our sounds of spring challenge. Keep an ear out for all 12 spring sounds and tick them off as you go...
Essex Wildlife Trust Ambassador, Andrew Millham, tells us about his Forest School training and why you should do it too!
From secret signals hidden in wing feathers to serrated beaks, dive (or dabble) into the wonderful world of winter waddlers with Campaigns Volunteer, Alex.
Campaigns Volunteer, Sue, teaches us all how we can help garden birds this winter.
Did you know there are different types of frost? Essex Wildlife Trust Ambassador, Andrew Millham, transports us into a glistening Essex landscape and explains the difference between air frost and…
The Big Wild Seed Sow gave thousands of individuals and families the chance to take action for wildlife in their gardens this autumn.