Conservation Matters: May
Our coastal projects are in full force as the weather gets warmer. Find out what our Conservation Team have been working on this month.
Our coastal projects are in full force as the weather gets warmer. Find out what our Conservation Team have been working on this month.
From monitoring minuscule creatures, to working with local communities, there has been lots of conservation action this August.
Find out how we are celebrating Plastic Free July, read about our marine projects and why Essex beavers are award-winning in this month's conservation update.
Seals can be seen all year round along the British coast. You might spot just their heads as they peek out across sea’s surface or a whole colony hauled out on the mud, resting and basking in the…
Seagrass surveying, newt numbering and owl observations - catch up on our latest conservation work in this monthly round-up.
The 'Blackwater Beast' may have been a hoax, but you'd be a fool to think our waters are empty! Find out what really swims off our shores, creeps along our coastline and dive into…
The Common seal (Phoca vitulina), also known as the harbour seal is one of two seal species that can be found in the UK.
Summer is here, the Naze is teeming with an abundance of wildlife.